Sergiu Nicolaescu Horoscope (2025)

1. Astrology and natal chart of Sergiu Nicolaescu, born on 1930/04/13

  • Sergiu Nicolaescu, Fire is dominant in your natal chart and endows you with intuition, energy, courage, self-confidence, and enthusiasm! You are inclined to be ...

  • Horoscope and natal chart of Sergiu Nicolaescu, born on 1930/04/13: you will find in this page an excerpt of the astrological portrait and the interpration of the planetary dominants.

2. Birth chart of Sergiu Nicolaescu - Astrology horoscope

  • Biography at Wikipedia · Sun in Aries 22°49' · Full Moon · Horse (Metal) · Maple Tree · Life Path - 3 · Birthday 13th - Vulnerability.

  • - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you

3. Birthday Analysis for April 13, 1930 - Zodiac sign and Horoscope

4. Sergiu Nicolaescu's Personality Unveiled: MBTI, Enneagram ... - Boo

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  • What 16 personality type is Sergiu Nicolaescu from Actors / Actresses? Find out Sergiu Nicolaescu's 16 type, Enneagram, and Zodiac sign in the Soulverse, the comprehensive personality database.

5. Sergiu Nicolaescu - Spouse, Children, Birthday & More

6. Most Famous People with Last Name Nicolaescu -

  • Sergiu Nicolaescu is the most famous person with last name Nicolaescu. Their Zodiac sign is ♈ Aries. Their most notable profession was Actor. Their other ...

  • The most famous person with last name Nicolaescu is Sergiu Nicolaescu. The last name Nicolaescu is ranked as being very unique and less than 3 famous people in the world share this name.

7. Mapa Astral: Sergiu Nicolaescu, Data de nascimento, Horóscopo

  • O regente de Áries é o planeta Marte, que simboliza energia, saúde, espírito de luta e habilidades de liderança. As pessoas nascidas sob este signo são ...

  • Astro-Seek - Mapa astral gratuito, horóscopos e relatórios online

8. Celebrity Horoscopes / Name Starts with N - Astrotheme

  • Horoscope and Ascendant · Ascendant and Sign Meaning · Free Astrological ... Nicolaescu Sergiu. [8294], Nicolai Otto. [3380], Nicolás Adolfo. [16391], Nicolas ...

  • You will find on these pages the horoscopes of the celebrities whose name starts with the letter N with interactive chart and planetary dominants.

9. Obituary: Sergiu Nicolaescu -

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  • BUCHAREST: Romania’s most popular director Sergiu Nicolaescu died on 3 January 2013 at age 82. Nicolaescu was Romania’s most prolific director with over 40 feature films on his credits, and the most influential personality in the local industry both during the communist era and afterwards, and a pop...

Sergiu Nicolaescu Horoscope (2025)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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